Saturday, August 7, 2010

Epic Fail

So i suck at blogging....Summer was great! We were super busy and now I'm a week past due with the baby. I will continue to try to update but more than likely i will just post pictures of the baby when it comes...hopefully any time now....

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The story so far...

So here's my idea, as many of you know i am terrible at keeping up with people....soo to keep all who are interested updated I am starting a blog (I 5 years ago) My goal is to update about once a week. Share some thoughts maybe some photos and hopefully i can stick with it...we'll see, my track record is not in my favor but here we go anyway....

So as of this week i am 33 weeks pregnant. Nick and I are both working full time at camp this summer. On May 8th we moved out of our apartment and into a cabin on camp (yes a cabin, with bunk beds and no bathroom and all that). I'm very excited to be able to spend the summer at camp! We just finished two weeks of staff training and they've been keeping us super busy trying to get everything ready for Sunday's kick off. Physically I feel huge and uncomfortable almost all the time and i am really looking forward to not being pregnant anymore. Although I'm not quite sure I'm totally ready to have a baby ALL the time quite yet...but ready or not Olive will be here in less than two months.....and the summer already seems to be flying by!